- Discover bank has gameable savings account bonus promotion running through this evening. It’s interesting for three reasons:
– The bonus posts within two or three business days
– You can deposit and withdraw the same money multiple times but deposits are cumulative for the bonus
– There’s no time requirement for holding the funds at the bankThe downside? There’s once-per-lifetime language. The offers are $450 for $35,000 in deposits in 30 days, with code BONUS1022E, or $500 for $50,000 in deposits in 30 days with code BONUS1122D. (Thanks to DoC)
- There are multiple holiday shopping portal bonuses through November 21, though because today is election day let’s call them “politician upset over loss” shopping portal bonuses.
– 5,000 United MileagePlus miles for spending $1,200 or more
– 4,000 AA miles for spending $1,500 or more
– 3,500 Southwest Rapid Rewards for spending $1,000 or more
– 2,000 Delta SkyMiles for spending $800 or more
– 1,500 Alaska MileagePlan miles for spending $650 or moreThese are somewhat gameable, one of several examples includes purchasing gift cards at GiftCards.com. On that note, Miles shared that the language in the terms and conditions at for GiftCards.com has changed on most portals from “Orders over $2,000 max per month per customer are not eligible” to “Orders over $2,000 are not eligible”. What does that mean? Great question, I’m so glad you asked. I have no idea what it means, but always be probing.
- Do this now (if you have an American Express Platinum card): Enroll for Hertz President’s Circle status.
- Chase finally increased the referral sign-up bonus on several cards to match the increased sign-up bonuses available on the public applications, so now’s a good time to refer P2 for a new card, or find a new friend and make their day by using their referral. You can generate referral links here. The cards:
– Ink Cash: 90,000 Ultimate Rewards
– Ink Unlimited: 90,000 Ultimate Rewards
– Southwest Plus, Premier, Priority, and Business: 75,000 Rapid Rewards PointsThere’s also an increased sign-up bonus for the United Business card for 150,000 MileagePlus miles after spending $20,000 in three months. If this one is on your radar I’d wait a week or two to see if it also becomes available via referral before committing.

Have a quadruple decker slice of something in honor of politician upset over loss shopping portal bonus day.