You’ve no doubt heard that Southwest announced they’d be moving from a mediocre product offering to a bad product offering yesterday because literally every news outlet, blog, skywriter, and mommy stroller affiliate site wrote about it. I tried to ignore it here, but instead decided to write a quick summary in iambic pentameter to keep it fresh:
On fares most cheap, a fee doth now descend,
for Wanna Get Away, a basic name doth lend.
Flight credits, once free, now swiftly fade,
yet open boarding’s chaos still we’ve made.
Elites and cardholders find some gentle aid,
yet still, no first class seats or distant shores are displayed.
Midway’s woes persist, a traveler’s plight,
even Spirit offers more comfort in its Big Front Seat’s light.
Rapid Rewards points now face variable fate,
their value shifting with each flight’s demand and date.
Sorry, even I feel dirty after that one.

When non-travel sites cover travel stories:
Do they mean that (a) Southwest will charge the bag’s battery, or (b) that they expect the bag to pay?