- The Chase Freedom Flex card has an uncapped double cash for the first year back sign-up bonus. You may need to try different browsers, mobile devices, a VPN, or by making Chase jealous and applying for an American Express instead.
There are golden plays where uncapped 3x Ultimate Rewards massively moves the needle, and technically it’s possible to have multiple Freedom Flexes. - Etihad Guest has a tiered transfer bonus for incoming Capital One, Accor ALL, and Hyatt transfers through March 31:
– 20% bonus: < 10,000 miles
– 30% bonus: < 50,000 miles
– 40% bonus: 50,000+ miles
The bonus miles aren’t awarded instantly, and may take up to April 15 to arrive. - The Office Depot / OfficeMax $15 off of $300+ Mastercard gift cards promotion mentioned on Friday turned out to be lies, and not the good kind (?). I guess there’s no need show up to a 9,000 square foot sparsely stocked, poorly-lit office supply store manned by exactly two 19 year olds, one of whom is on their lunch break, this week.

The Chase and American Express relationship.