Weekend Wisdom: Don’t Forget Simplicity

Sometimes the path a dollar takes through a loop during advanced manufactured spend is staggering; As a semi-real world hypothetical, a manufactured spender might loop money around with a recipe like:

  1. Run a charge with credit card on a fintech (earn on spend, perhaps pay a load fee)
  2. Use a fintech virtual card to load another fintech (earn on spend, perhaps pay a load fee)
  3. ACH out of the second fintech into a bank with a rewards debit (no earn or fee)
  4. Pay the original credit card with your rewards debit (earn on spend, perhaps pay a payment fee)

Most of those steps have an earn component, and most have a fee component too. Calculating your total earn is really just a matter of adding all the earn and subtracting all the fees, and the goal is that the entire loop earns a nice spread.

Once you’ve developed a money loop like this, it’s easy to think of all spend fitting into the loop in someway.

But, and here’s the point of today’s article:

Sometimes skipping the middle steps earns just as much as the loop you’ve developed, or maybe earns slightly less but loops faster. Sometimes simplicity wins.

Have a nice weekend!

Simplicity can go too far, or sometimes not too far enough; which one is this churner’s house?

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