The Citi Shop Your Way Rewards Mastercard card was an overlooked value machine for years, and it was the first MEAB Unsung Hero card too. I think churners know the card’s value machine status now though, so proselytizing at this point is passé.

But, questions often come up around the card, so let’s answer ’em like a boss:

  • [Q] When do I start getting offers?
    [A] Usually 3-5 months after getting the card
  • [Q] What’s the offer cadence?
    [A] Citi sends offers on the 1st and the 15th of each month via email, and sometimes earlier via snail-mail
  • [Q] What’s the sign-up bonus?
    [A] I dunno, but it’s crap, and it’s always been crap – that’s not why we get the card
  • [Q] How long until the sign-up bonus posts after hitting spend?
    [A] Forever, it probably won’t post (unless you’re really lucky or you bug Citi)
  • [Q] When do semi-monthly spend offers post?
    [A] For points usually within a week. For statement credits, either (a) a few weeks after the statement close, or (b) the middle of the next month depending on the offer
  • [Q] Can I have multiple Shop Your Way Rewards cards?
    [A] Historically yes, but now now (since about mid-2023)
  • [Q] What counts as an online purchase?
    [A] ymmv, but: some floosie things, your online utility payments, and probably whatever counts on the AT&T Access More card which would also be an Unsung Hero if you could still get it
  • [Q] Can I product change to this card?
    [A] No
  • [Q] Can I switch to the ThankYou Points version of this card?
    [A] Not since 2021
  • [Q] What’s the best redemption of Shop Your Way Rewards points?
    [A] Almost always Visa gift cards
  • [Q] What’s an unknown feature of the card?
    [A] It has special payment-fu, and lacks the Big Bank Energy™ that Citi’s known for
  • [Q] How do I get a credit line increase?
    [A] They award them automatically on most card anniversaries
  • [Q] I don’t see any offers in the ‘Offers’ tab on the account dashboard
    [A] That’s not a question, but sounds about right for this card. Don’t worry, no one else sees their offers either
  • [Q] What’s this card’s annual expectation value?
    [A] Almost as much as a maxed American Express Resy Platinum sign-up bonus

Good luck, and Happy #CitiGonnaCiti day.

[Bonus Q] In the year 2025, I get this message while trying to log into the card’s dashboard, what’s up?
[A] #CitiGonnaCiti