[Update: AmEx fixed this.] American Express Business Platinum cards get $100 in credits to spend at Dell every 6 months, but right now they seem to be reimbursing at the 2020-MVI rate of $200 every 6 months. If you have one of these cards, I’d buy $200 in XBox GCs ($50 cards move the fastest) and sell at 83% instantly or sell at a higher rate if you wait a few days. Don’t forget to use a portal for extra cash back or for miles. Both “Dell Consumer” and “Dell Business” work for portal bonuses in my experience.
Check Amazon for 40% up to $40 savings off when you use Membership Rewards points at checkout, but only use 1 point, the redemption rate is terrible other than this offer. If you don’t have organic spend, buy a 3rd party gift card for later use or resale. BestBuy is my normal go-to but it won’t move at higher rates until next month so keep that in mind, or liquidate today at around 97.5%.