We once discussed how “budgeting” is a magic phrase in our hobby because it’s a simple response to many financial questions that doesn’t illicit any follow up.
There are questions that need a different answer though, so let me present today’s phrase: “My boss makes me”
- Q: Why do you want to split this large gas transaction into two weird payment amounts?
A: My boss makes me - Q: Why do you need 18 different email addresses?
A: My boss makes me - Q: Why do you want to expedite this request?
A: My boss makes me - Q: why are you using four different loyalty accounts?
A: My boss makes me - Q: Why do you want to apply the upgrade after booking instead of at booking?
A: My boss makes me - Q: Why are you flying from IAH-LAX via JAX and IAD?
A: My boss makes me - Q: Why don’t you just drop that box in our self-service drop over there?
A: (While carrying a box full of $28,000 in gold) My boss makes me hand it to a person - Q: Why do you waste time reading MEAB?
A: My boss makes me
Have a nice Tuesday!