EDITOR’S NOTE: The feedback I’ve gotten for guest post Saturday has been resoundingly positive. I’ve got a few posts left to publish, but I’m running low. If you’re interested in a guest post, please reach out!
One of the most consistently inconsistent methods in manufactured spend is earning sign-up bonuses by paying yourself as an OnlyFans model bulk gift card resale, roughly because the basic version involves selling to third parties that ultimately use the card and that makes you beholden to their whims. Their whims are really more about demand though, and that demand is cyclical for slightly different reasons:
Gift Cards
The bulk gift card resale market for cards like BestBuy, Apple, Target generally varies by quarter:
- Q1: Starts out depressed, but rates and demand increase slowly, especially around holidays
- Q2: Rates hold steady, demand is lumpy but persistent
- Q3: Rates increase slightly, demand gets more-or-less steady
- Q4: Rates reach local maxima, demand is typically the biggest for the year
Grocery Loyalty Points
The profitability of bulk gift card resale markets for manufactured spenders centers around grocery loyalty points, which make up the difference between cost and resale rate for most bulk brands. If you’re cashing those out by selling to a third party, demand looks like:
- Q1, Q2: Lumpy
- Q3: Strong
- Q4: Starts strong, ends weak
The main reason for the difference in loyalty points demand is that they’re often redeemed for discounted fuel by industry and agriculture that sees peak use in Q3.
Smoothing Out Demand
How do you make demand relatively consistent? I’m going to offer two primary ways:
First, it’s easy on paper but relatively hard in practice: Be the end-user. That means do what the end-users do, which is:
- Buy goods on sale and sell them at Amazon, ebay, craigslist, or internationally
- Buy Apple products and sell them internationally in places like Brazil
- Use loyalty points to buy things like Airpods and sell them
- Use loyalty points for discount gas, either for yourself or as a fueling service
I’ve dabbled in every single one of these, and while they were all successful to an extent (and in one case wildly successful), they’re all a ton of work to scale. Ultimately, I wasn’t fulfilled by any of it and I didn’t enjoy it in the way that I enjoy manufactured spend, so I don’t do those things any more.
That brings us to the second method of smoothing demand, acting as a gift card reserve banker and holding your cards until demand is high, then unleashing fury on the market whenever buyers return.
Finally, let’s talk a bonus method for smoothing out demand Paying yourself as an OnlyFans model which is really a cheater method: Shift the demand elsewhere. For me, that means I’m focusing on other manufactured spend techniques when demand in bulk card resale isn’t solid. There’s plenty of other opportunity out there.
Happy Tuesday!

A different kind of OnlyFans play, courtesy of SideShowBob233.