If you’ve got a Chase Freedom or Freedom Unlimited credit card, the 5x bonus category for Q4 is PayPal, and something called a “Walmart”. Right now, a really easy way to get some of the $1,500 spend out of the way is to buy discounted gift cards at PayPal Digital Gifts and sell them via a reputable gift card broker at or above cost (I prefer the ones that buy instantly, not the ones that operate on consignment). A few examples:
- Adidas, buy at 80%, sell at 81%
- Michaels, buy at 80%, sell at 80%
- Lowes, buy at 90%, sell at 90%
- DSW, buy at 80%, sell at 80%
Through the holidays but especially around Black Friday, check here for the current offerings and knock that spend out.
You know that you can have both a personal and a business PayPal account, right? And if you have multiple businesses, maybe more (but keep it legit, PayPal can be shutdown happy). Limits are usually 2 of each brand per account, so things scale easily.